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Customize powerful strokes

unlimited patterns of Lovense Solace:  Best App-controlled hand-free automatic thrusting male masturbator with Lovense Remote

Unlimited Patterns with Lovense Remote

Remotely control Solace on Lovense remote app, or give control to your partner whatever the distance.

Learn more about Lovense Remote app

Close-Range Control

Unlimited Thrusting Patterns

Long-Distance Control

Sync to Music

Sound Activated

Set Thrusting Levels

Hands-free play

Lovense Solace:  Best App-controlled hand-free automatic thrusting male masturbator for different wireless plays

Slumped on the sofa

Lovense Solace:  Best App-controlled hand-free automatic thrusting male masturbator for different wireless plays

Lying in bed

Lovense Solace:  Best App-controlled hand-free automatic thrusting male masturbator for different wireless plays

Sitting at the computer

Lovense Solace:  Best App-controlled hand-free automatic thrusting male masturbator for different wireless plays

Standing at the table

Easy to clean

Flip-open sleeve holder makes it convenient to remove and wash, or change the sleeve.

Different sleeves, different experiences

Internally textured sleeves crafted to hug your manhood and amplify every sensation.

Lovense Solace:  Best App-controlled hand-free automatic thrusting male masturbator with different sleeves

Neutral Sleeve

Lovense Solace:  Best App-controlled hand-free automatic thrusting male masturbator with different sleeves

Vagina Sleeve*

Soft and smooth, with a natural skin-like feel.

Looks and feels like the real thing.

Long distance sex toy, app controlled sex toy, remote sex

Comes with nubs and ridges for extra stimulation.

Long distance sex toy, app controlled sex toy, remote sex

For those who want a tighter more realistic experience.

Standard configuration

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*Sold Separately

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Solace Specifications

Lovense Solace:  Best App-controlled hand-free automatic thrusting male masturbator specifications
Product name








Charging Time

100 Minutes

Battery Life

up to 12.5 hours

Thrusting Patterns

Unlimited Patterns

Water Repellency



1 year

What’s included

Big dildo, wearable dildos, double sided strap on

Solace x1

Big dildo, wearable dildos, double sided strap on

Neutral sleeve x1

Big dildo, wearable dildos, double sided strap on

Charge cable x1

Big dildo, wearable dildos, double sided strap on

Desk mount x1

Big dildo, wearable dildos, double sided strap on

Storage bag x1

Big dildo, wearable dildos, double sided strap on

User manual x1


A truly amazing device, the thrusting was incredibly pleasurable and love how forceful and fast it can get. Super stimulating and also able to run slow and edge one's manhood incredibly well to the point of orgasm. I had so much fun with this toy and could not stop using it.


The amount of force was incredible. I liked the way you could control the various patterns with the Lovense app, and I really like all the stroke speed and depth, you could get a nice deep thrust or a fast teasing on the tip.


I love the step by step adjustments for depth and speed of strokes. I can make it as fast or slow, as deep or as shallow as I'm in the mood for.


Solace-sex toy
Solace-sex toy
Solace-sex toy
Solace-sex toy
App-controlled Automatic Male Masturbator
Special Online Price
51% OFF
Deal Ends In:
In Stock
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Big dildo, wearable dildos, double sided strap on

Solace and Vagina sleeve bundle

51% OFF
Deal Ends In:

$204.00 $413.00

Buy Now

Combine with other toys for multiple sensations

Sync Solace’s thrusts to the vibes of other toys for full-body pleasure

Ridge-sex toy
App-controlled Vibrating and Rotating Anal Beads
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$129.00 $239.00
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Edge 2-sex toy
Edge 2
Adjustable Prostate Massager
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$109.00 $199.00
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Hush 2 1 inch (max diameter)-sex toy
Hush 2 1 inch (max diameter)
Bluetooth Butt Plug
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$79.00 $179.00
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Hush 2 1.5 inch (max diameter)-sex toy
Hush 2 1.5 inch (max diameter)
Bluetooth Butt Plug
Special Online Price
$109.00 $199.00
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Hush 2 1.75 inch (max diameter)-sex toy
Hush 2 1.75 inch (max diameter)
Bluetooth Butt Plug
Special Online Price
$109.00 $199.00
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Hush 2 2.25 inch (max diameter)-sex toy
Hush 2 2.25 inch (max diameter)
Bluetooth Butt Plug
Special Online Price
$109.00 $199.00
Buy Now
$194.00 $398.00 Buy Now Group Buy

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4.1 out of 5
Based on 80 ratings
Write a Review
Not bad, its kind of huge and bulky, but I understand why. I feel like it would be nice for a 2.0 if there ever is one to have just a little bit stronger of a motor. At the max depth setting, I wish it was able to stroke faster. Only other thing Ill add is I wish there was more customization with the stroke depth and speed.
Im a bit to big for it (I am above average) and makes it unpleasant to use
the long distance is awesome! Needs to apply water-based lube several times.
Its really great and love the no hands needed however it fails in size accomodations as im girthy and any thicker then a inch will run into issues with the sleeve not moving properly even with copious amounts of lube id recommend buying it even if your large but be wary as your enjoyment may be lower then most
Best toy I’ve ever tried I highly recommend it

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